Tuesday, August 18, 2009

1990 My Son Scott is finally a "Rookie"

"The Gang"...Me, Rick, Tom, Brent, Dennis, Tony, Darold and yes my son Scott "the rookie"and our other "rookie", Jerry Brasch. Darold, Tony & myself work with Jerry. (With Scott along with us this year, us fathers (me, Rick & Tom) now have our 3 sons going to Indy to keep the tradition going. "The Vehicle's"... Tony's Van & Jerry's Suburban pulling the camper.

"The Party"... Left Milwaukee Friday and got to Boney's house around 5:00 p.m. The cookout Boney had this year was pig. (no one we know tho'). This year we finally met Boney's daughter "Mac". The Rats said they wanted her to come this year cause she could beat us in the drinking contest. (more on that later)... Darold took his annual ride down the Walbash with the Rats again. These parties @ Boney's always got a little on the wild side, and this year was no exception. One of the "River Rats" brought a PIANO in his truck to the party! Another brought an ol' washboard complete with hillbilly string bass. We all had a try on the washboard. (hey it's not as easy as it looks). The guy that brought the piano really knew how to play it and was acually pretty good! The "Rats" tried copying the G.T.G. this year with their own t-shirts and drinking gloves. ( as I said, they TRIED!) They even made a scorecard to kept track of the drinking contest. Note; Something I have failed to mention since we have been coming to Boney's on Indy weekend. Since we have been stopping @ Boney's for his Memorial Weekend party, the Wisconsin Good-Time Gang has brought their own beer. When we leave Milwaukee for the Indianapolis 500 weekend, we take 7 cases of beer AND a half barrel. The half barrel is usually gone by the time we leave Boney's on Saturday. Boney has a buddy that everyone calls "Sarg". Boney & Sarg had gone to New Orleans for Mardi Gras in Feb and while they were gone, the River Rats went to Sarg's house and moved his kitchen furniture into his livingroom & his livingroom furniture into his kitchen!!! We can verify it cause THEY VIDEO'D IT!!!! We all laughed watching that video. Now you know why we get along with these crazy people! Ok...the final tally on the drinking contest was; River Rats 1....G.T.G. 8. It is based on who is still awake @ the end of the night. Guess who the Rats 1 was? Yep......MAC!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday... Got to Indy (Debbie's house, she and Gary got divorced) and set up camp. Ate, (Scott did dishes, so he's not a rookie anymore), took our walk (bought pins...hats getting heavier!) and did a little partying.

Sunday... This was the first year the track had torn down our old wooden bleachers in the Tower Terrace Extension and built a new concrete section with VIP suites above us. The new section his now the Tower Terrace. That makes it nice for us in our seats to keep out of the sun & rain. Arie Luyendyk set a new record for a race average of 185.989 mph to win his 2nd 500. After race we left Indy and went back to Boney's for the night. (Not too much partying tho' I think we were out of beer!) Came home Monday.....See ya in 1991......


  1. I remember that pig roast, man that stuff was good. Also pretty noteworthy that the first year I went IMS upgraded the seats from wooden bleachers to the Tower Terrace complete with shelter from sun and rain. They must have known there would be a new sheriff in town. ;-)

  2. Oh ya, he was all of 15 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!
