Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My dad took my brother and I to our first Indy 500 in 1963. We sat on the 2nd turn bleachers for $2.00/ticket. It was the race that Parnelli Jones won over Jimmy Clark and the Lotus Ford invasion. We attended the 1964 race when the fiery crash on lap 2 occured, killing Dave McDonald and Eddie Sachs. We were sitting on front stretch coming out of turn 4 where the accident happened. I also went in 1969 with high school buddies. We were 15 feet away from victory lane when winning car owner Andy Granatelli kissed his winning driver Mario Andretti. I also went in 1977 with some buddies I was serving in the Air Force with, and watched A.J. Foyt win his 4th Indy 500. I missed the 1978 race, but have not missed a race since. And this is were this blog comes in. For the last 30 years I have been keeping scrapbooks of the years we have been going. These books not only include accounts of the race, but also who attended, were we camped/stayed, what we did for entertainment before the race, and believe it or not, the vehicles we drove and EVEN what we had to EAT! I will be posting articles of each years race, pictures and the story of the friends and family that attended The Greatest Specticle In Racing.


  1. This is really cool - can't wait to see the new postings. . .

  2. Thanks.....This is going to take some time tho'

  3. Very cool! Now get to work and remember not to make up any stories about me being late or nearly running out of gas and stranding us in the middle of Indiana!

  4. Thanks....I hope this project isn't more that I can chew?

  5. You can handle it! There's no rush, but please keep moving along on it when you can. This is a legacy, this is a big part of my family history. Just please know that I truly appreciate all of the time you have spent documenting this big part of your life and now mine.
